There are countless ways that incorporating meditation and mindfulness practices into our days can improve our everyday life. And if you’re here reading this, I have a sneaking suspicion that you already know that. But one less talked about benefit that meditation offers is that it’s a wonderful way to softly reawaken our natural and innate confidence
Consistency Brings Results
A daily practice provides us with the clarity needed to help us discover our strengths and more easily navigate life’s many (and there are many!) challenges. By doing so, we can begin to feel more confident knowing that we already have all we need to handle anything and everything that comes our way. And what a relief that is!
Be Mindful of Your Busyness
If you’re a woman living in today’s world, your days are surely filled to the brim with plenty of things to keep you busy and likely out of the present moment. You’re balancing working, seeing loved ones, and running endless errands, and that doesn’t even cover half of it. On top of that,
there’s often a sense as women that we’re not doing enough of one thing, and maybe doing way too much of another. In either of these cases, we rarely feel like we can relax into the present moment. Instead, we often bury these feelings away and numb ourselves to reality with things like emotional eating, binging our favorite shows, filling our social calendars, and over-scheduling our days. We don’t have the chance to see all that’s below the surface.
End the Shame Game
But if you can find just 10 or 20 minutes a day to simply sit and allow your mind to settle, you’ll begin to notice small shifts in your thinking, which compound into larger shifts over time. Use this opportunity to objectively watch your thoughts float by, with no judgment and no shame. View them with a gentle curiosity and acceptance so that you can begin to discern between the helpful thoughts and the not-so-helpful thoughts, learning more about what’s beneath them.
Wise Decision-Making BECOMES Possible
When you do this, when you allow yourself to calm your ever-swirling thoughts and feelings, you’re more confidently able to tap into wise decision-making, healthy communication with others, and profound joy. You become more able to respond from a confident place of compassion. This time you set aside for your practice is a chance to quiet the pervasive unease we’re all too familiar with, allowing you to sit with all that you’re feeling so you can begin to sort through it and better understand it.
Confidence Arises Naturally
With time and consistency, you’ll find that you can confidently answer your persistent questions and solve your own problems, without relying on anything or anyone outside of yourself. As you begin to trust your intuition in a way you haven’t before, you’ll experience profound changes to your confidence that will overflow into all parts of your life.
It’s just a matter of quieting all the noise and getting to the center. It’s all right inside you and always has been.
Want to learn meditation & mindfulness techniques?
I have experience conducting female empowerment retreats, and for over a decade, I have been assisting women in finding their inner peace using basic tools and practices. I conduct mindfulness workshops online and all over Westchester County, NY, and would love to show you how to use ancient wisdom to uncover the solutions you have been looking for.
If you are looking for a meditation coach that focuses on female wellness in Westchester, get in touch! Let’s start your journey toward natural confidence and fearlessness.